Your Local Italian Expert

Making living in Italy Reality

Hi, I' m Maria.

And I’m Italian!
With `several years of experience in helping
people move to Italy, I know all the right ways
to get your affairs in order and get you where
you want to be.
Let’s make your move to Italy a reality

How can I help you?

I provide a full service with a comprehensive suite of services for expats moving to Puglia, Italy.

My mission is to make the transition to living in Italy as smooth and seamless as possible for expats by
providing personalized, comprehensive moving and settling-in services. I aim to alleviate the stress
and uncertainty of relocating by guiding my clients through every step of the process and connecting
them with the resources they need to feel at home in their new country.


Application for residency

Obtaining residency in Italy will depend on a number of factors such as; your country of origin, your age and whether you are retired, intend to study/work or set up a business. We have experience of all these scenarios and can ensure the process is smooth and efficient.


Property management

Whether you need to leave your property vacant for a time, want to have repairs done, refurbish, extend, build a pool or simply redecorate we have a network of trusted professionals and tradespeople ensuring you have a quality service at a reasonable price.


Translation Services

Whether you need help with medical appointments, installing WiFi, insurance purchase or having documents translated and ratified, we offer an accurate, fast service.


Buying a house

This is one of the most important investment decisions we will make in our lives, so getting it right is crucial. Italy offers buyers a lot of legal protection but it is still advisable to have an independent third party guide you through the process ensuring you avoid any pitfalls. We will give you an independent assessment of the property you propose to buy and guide you through from start to finish.


Cultural integration

You moved to Italy because you wanted to experience Italy with all it's culture & variety. We offer opportunities to meet local Italians and fellow expats in social situations, helping you build a network of friends and really live La Dolce Vita.
We can help you stay aware of concerts and other events in your area ensuring you don't miss out.


Bureaucratic assistence

Italy is world renowned for history, art, culture, food and wine. We could probably add bureaucracy to the list! There is no need to worry about it.We will guide you through the process whether you want to buy a mobile phone or restore a palazzo.

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Codice Fiscale

In administrative terms, you don't exist in Italy without one of these. They are not difficult to get, but you will make zero progress with your new life in Italy without one. Naturally we can help and will ensure you get your codice fiscal quickly and easily.


Find Accommodation

You may want to rent a property or find temporary accommodation while you search for your permanent home. We can help with this, ensuring you find somewhere convenient, clean and affordable.


Rental Contracts

Long or short term rental is an option often chosen by people moving to Italy. There is a good range of properties available both in towns and in the countryside. Before signing a rental contract, it is important to be clear on what is/is not included. Notice periods and responsibilities for maintenance are other potential issues. We will help ensure your contract is clear and covers all the necessary points.


Carta d'identità

In Italy, it is obligatory to carry ID. We will advise you on what types of ID are are acceptable before and after obtaining residency. Once you have residency, we will help you get the electronic photo ID card.



This is the Public Digital Identity System ( Sistema Publico di Identità Digitale). It is a method of verifying your identity. You register once with a recognised provider and after registration, it allows you to access public services online. It is very useful and can save you time queueing.


Health System Registration

The Italian health system is comprehensive, efficient and highly rated worldwide. Whether it is free or a contribution is required, will depend on such things as your age and country of origin. We will help you with registration, payment or private insurance should that be necessary. In addition, choosing the right family doctor is crucial and we can help ensure you do.


Open bank account

While it is possible - at least initially- to function with a foreign bank account, paying direct debits , phone or utility charges requires an Italian bank account and in general a local account is easier. Italian banks offer all the services you would expect from an international banking system. The type of account you can have, will depend on your residency status. We will guide you through the process and ensure you have the right bank account for your needs.


Drivers License Conversion

Depending on where your licence was issued, you may be able to exchange it or you may be required to take a test. For UK driving licences an agreement between Italy and the UK was reached in December 2022. Once it comes into force, UK licence holders will be able to exchange licences without taking a test. EU licences can be used for along as they are valid without the need to exchange. Non EU licences can normally be used for a year after obtaining residency. However, the regulations vary according to where the licence is issued and it is important not to fall foul of the rules. We will give you the appropriate advice and help you through whatever process is required.


Certificate of Stay

The " Carta di Soggiorno " is the residency card issued to non EU citizens. EU citizens normally apply for residency at their local Commune. Non EU citizens apply through the Questura which is an office of the Police. The requirements and processes are different for EU or non EU citizens, but we are familiar with both and will guide you through whichever category you fall into.

And everything in between to make living in Italy a reality.

Read what my clients have to say

Making Moving to Italy a Reality and live La Dolce Vita

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